Monday, May 21, 2012

"The Dictator" Movie Trailer

                                            Here is the movie trailer for "The Dictator". Enjoy!
                                             "The Dictator" is owned by Paramount Pictures.

"The Dictator" Movie Review

Second movie review....The Dictator! Again, sorry for the review being text. I am working on getting a video done for the next review.

Going into this movie I really didn't know what to expect after watching the trailer. I didn't really have an opinion on it, other than this is going to be an actual funny Sacha Baron Cohen film like "Borat" or it was going to be crude, tasteless, and/or disappointing like "Bruno". After watching it though, I was surprised....I actually did like it. It might be because "The Dictator" was done a bit differently from the previously two mentioned movies. This is not a good movie but it also isn't awful either.

"The Dictator" tells the story about a strange, egotistical dictator named Haffaz Alladeen (played by Sacha Baron Cohen) who rules over the nation of Waadeya. When the United Nations want to meet with Alladeen to talk about his country becoming a democracy, which he dislikes, Alladeen travels to New York. There, the people of his country want him out of power, so higher officials have Alladeen kidnapped, have his signature beard shaven off, and hope to have him killed. In replacement though, they have an every day goat herder take his place to sign the democracy treaty. Alladeen survives and end up on the streets of New York, seen as an average person, meeting new and old friends who try to help him reach back into power as the dictator.

Like I said this movie isn't good but it is definitely a lot of fun and kept me interested. I do like the character that Sacha Baron Cohen had created. He was always fun to watch and never really knew what was going to happen next. Even though there is A LOT of crude humor in this, such as toilet humor and racist jokes, I felt like it was done in a pretty tasteful tasteful as those type of jokes can be. It's not poorly done as it was in the movie "Bruno", in my opinion. If you don't really care for those kinds of jokes though, you might want to skip this one since they are throughout the whole movie. Still though, there are some other jokes in it that were funny that weren't that type of humor. Also, the things that are really funny in this movie are absolutely hilarious. I definitely laughed really hard at some of the scenes. One thing that was really interesting about this film that is different from Cohen's other films is that it is not a mockumentary. It sort of starts out that way, but it is really a fully scripted film which a lot people seem to be liking more. Another thing I really did enjoy about this film that is different from Sacha Baron Cohen's other films is that it actually tried to have story to it and not just be gag after gag. I think this is because this movie was actually fully scripted and not just random things he does like in his other films.

One thing about the humor of this movie is that although it can be very funny, a lot of other people might not like it, and a few of the gags go on a little to long than needed. Also, there will be a really hilarious scene that happens, but then another one won't happen for another good 10 or 15 minutes so the pacing could be seen as "bad". I also missed the whole mockumentary sense of Cohen's other films that was missing here. This didn't necessarily make it a bad film, but it just didn't feel as much as a Sacha Baron Cohen film to me. Also, there is very little story line and very little depth to the characters in this movie.

Overall, this was another ok movie. I wouldn't say go out of your way to see it, but if you want to go see then go ahead (maybe go for like an afternoon showing, though). As I said before, if you don't really like crude or racist jokes then you might want to stay away from this one, but the things that are hilarious in this are really really funny which makes it worth seeing if you want.

Well I hope you guys enjoy this review! The next review coming up is going to be "The Avengers" and I'm not sure yet which one will follow. I will keep you guys posted as to which movies I see weekly, though. As promised "Breaking Dawn Pt. 1" and "The Hunger Games" is on the way.

Keep you guys posted,

"Dark Shadows" Movie Trailer

Here is the "Dark Shadows" movie trailer. Enjoy! 
"Dark Shadows" is owned by Warner Bros. Entertainment Company. 

Dark Shadows Review

Ok everyone here is my first review which is....DARK SHADOWS! I know this has been long awaited and I said it would be video but I can only write it out for right now. I promise though, I will soon be doing video.

Dark Shadows Review:

I'm first going to say with starting out this review that if you expect this movie to be anything like the television show, you are out of luck. This movie has pretty much absolutely nothing to do with the television show so if you were hoping it would be, forget it. It has some of the same character and places but other than that, it captures nothing from the show.

My feelings on this movie however was that I didn't like it, but I didn't hate it. The story is about a man named Barnabas Collins (played by Johnny Depp) who gets transformed into a vampire by a witches curse. He is imprisoned for 200 years and is eventually set free in the year 1972, where he returns to his ancestral home. He meets his remaining family and discovers how dysfunctional they are, and upon his return, decides to take it upon himself to restore the Collin's family good name. The movie is directed by Tim Burton, is in the comedy horror genre, and, as stated before, is based on the 1966-1971 gothic horror soap opera "Dark Shadows".

The good things I saw throughout the film was the scenery, which kept the good gothic Tim Burton feel to it, the characters, and definitely the acting. All the actors played their character in a way that you would feel like you're watching a soap opera, but not as completely over-the-top or campy as an actual soap opera. In saying that though, the only acting that felt off in the entire movie was Johnny Depps. This is not because his acting was bad, but because he played an over-the-top character which just felt really out of place at times. It seemed like everyone else was in a different movie from Johnny Depp the whole time. The characters were great in this film, though. They were, in my opinion, always entertaining to watch and had some really funny moments all together. Some of the comedy in this did have some good laughs, but I don't think there was anything absolutely hilarious in it.

The number one thing that is terrible in this movie is the dialogue. The dialogue was just exposition the entire time and not much else to it. Another thing that I found really confusing throughout the whole film was if the movie wanted to be horror or if it wanted to be comedy. There would be a comedic scene happening on screen but then all of a sudden it would take a really dark turn with no warning. So basically, there was no clear direction, or really balance, for whether the film wanted to be an actual "Dark Shadows" movie or do something funny with it. One thing that was extremely disappointing to me was the use of Chloe Grace Moretz who is one of my favorite actors (she played Hit Girl in the movie Kick-Ass). Her character served absolutely no purpose to the story, because she didn't add anything to it, and could of done fine without her. Another real downfall to this movie was that they tried to fit so much into the movie and it wasn't used correctly or executed well. I know they were probably trying to make people happy with trying to fit as much into the movie with all the stuff that happened in the show, but ultimately it really failed. Also, the continuity is really bad and is easy to catch. Lastly, I want to say that I felt the story to be really generic and already done, and the use of the cameo's for this film was not done well at all (I will be surprised if anyone knows what scene the cameo's were in or who they are).

Overall I thought this movie was ok. Like I said, I didn't like it and didn't really hate it. I wouldn't say completely skip it but don't go out of your way to see it either. It has a lot of faults to it, especially if you liked the television show, but it is still a lot of fun to watch.

Well that's one down and many, many more to go. Like I said, I will try to be getting these reviews out as soon as possible, as I know many of you like them and like to know what is good to watch in theaters. I will also be doing this all summer. The next upcoming review will be "The Dictator" with "The Avengers" to follow, and as I promised the review of "Breaking Dawn Pt. 1" and "The Hunger Games" will be coming out as well. Hope you all enjoy!

Keep you guys posted,

Monday, May 14, 2012

Upcoming Reviews...

Hey Everyone!

I Know A Lot Of You Are Waiting For My Reviews To Come Out, And They Are Definitely Coming. But Instead Of Keeping You Guys In The Dark, I'm Going To Tell You What I Will Be Seeing Soon And Which Reviews Will Be Coming Out.

I Will Still Be Reviewing "The Avengers", But It Will Not Come Out Till Next Week. I Need To See It One More Time Before I Give It A Proper Review, And I Can't See It Till Next Week. Know Though That It Is Definitely On The Way. (But From My First View Of Seeing It, IF YOU HAVEN'T SEE IT YET GO SEE IT NOW!!!)

The Review That Will Be Coming Out Definitely This Week Is "Dark Shadows", and possibly "The Dictator" Since It Will Be Release This Week. I will Try To Get These Out As Soon As Possible Since I Know Many Of You Are Waiting For My Reviews.

Also, I Know I Promised A Review Of "Breaking Dawn: Part 1" and "The Hunger Games" Way Back When They Were Released. Even Though It Is Late, I Will Still Be Releasing A Review On Both Of These Movies.

Hope This Fills Everyone In On What My Plans Are And What Movie Reviews You Expect To Be Coming Out.

Keep You Guys Posted!

(Feel Free To Post Comments Below!)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

What I Will Be Blogging About...

Hi Everyone!

Here Is Where I Will Be Posting My Reviews. I will Try To Get Each Out As Soon As Possible, As I Know Many Of You Enjoy Reading Them. Some Of My Reviews Will Be Text, And Some Will Be Video. Also If Possible, I would Love to Hear Feedback From My Fans. If Possible, Leave Your Comments, Thoughts, Or What Needs To Be Improved, Etc. Here, Or Any Other Place You Can Contact Me. 
Keep You Guys Posted!