Sunday, June 8, 2014

Foxy Update!

Hello world and all that is good!

I have fantastic news....I FINALLY GRADUATED!

Yes the day has finally come, I am indeed a college graduate. So with that being said, I will finally have time to put more of myself into updating the site and what not. I am very excited to do so! I have been away for way too long.

So definitely keep an eye out on the site for reviews coming out, especially since it is summer blockbuster season. I have already seen "Blended", "The fault In Our Stars", and "The Amazing Spider-Man 2" so those should be coming out very shortly. Like I said, just keep checking back for updates.

Keep you guys posted!


Friday, January 3, 2014

Foxy Update!

The Fox has returned!

Hello all my wonderful fans! I've missed you all and the blog so much (especially since I haven't posted anything since the summer.....oops). I hope you all had wonderful holidays and great New Years Eve/Day. I was in New York City for New Years! (If you get that chance definitely do it). That being said, you get sort of the idea of where I have been and why I have been gone so long. Between finishing up my internships this past summer, taking miscellaneous trips, and feeling the pressure of my senior year of college (that went by so fast!), I haven't gotten a chance to sit down and really breathe. I have a few more days left of winter break and I do want to update the site before I leave you guys again. I want to post on here as often as possible, but sometimes certain priorities have to come first (a.k.a. school...especially since I'm so close to graduating). I hope that changes soon though. That being said, I will post as often as I can while I'm still on break. I, of course, have been seeing movies while I have been gone...I could never not do that!

Keep an eye out for upcoming updates to the site. There will definitely be at least one or two reviews I'll get out (even though I've seen more movies than that) before my break is over. I'll try to get some other things out, but I can't really make any promises. With that being said, lets all enjoy this new image from the Guardians of the Galaxy set that was released early in the new year (2014) woo!:

As I said keep an eye out for upcoming new posts! I'm excited to get back into it for the new year :). And I'm curious, what do you guys think will be the biggest blockbuster or surprisingly good movie of the year? Let me know in the comments. 

Keep you guys posted! 


Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Foxy Update!

Hello Everyone!

Hope you are all enjoying the many summer blockbusters that have been out and are coming out! I just wanted to let you guys be aware of some things.

First, I know it's been a while since I've made another review. I've been busy at work and I'm on vacation right now, but I should be able to get a review out soon. The movies I have yet to review are Star Trek: Into Darkness, Man of Steel, This Is The End, and Epic. As you can tell, I'm really behind in reviews, but as I said I plan on that to change. This brings me to my second point.

Second, I unfortunately did not get around to seeing either Iron Man 3 (I know I'm super bummed about it) and The Great Gatsby. I've been trying to find a theater near me where they might be playing, but haven't had any luck yet. I'm still searching, but I think they are definitely out of theater so I unfortunately won't get to review them until they are on DVD.

That is all the news I have for now, if anything else comes up I will update the site. Thank you all for the views and as I said I will try to get a review out soon.

Keep you guys posted!


Friday, June 7, 2013

"The Hangover Pt. III" Trailer

Here is the trailer for "The Hangover Pt. III". Enjoy! 
"The Hangover Pt. III" is owned by Warner Bros. Studios 

Keep you guys posted! 


"The Hangover Pt. III" Review


Here is the review for "The Hangover Pt. III". Enjoy! 
"The Hangover Pt. III" is owned by Warner Bros. Studios 

Here is the Cinema Snobs website: 

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(Repost/share this too if you want to spread the word!) 

Keep you guys posted! 


Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Summer Site Announcements!

Hello all my wonderful viewers!

It's officially summer and we all know what that means....SUMMER BLOCKBUSTER MOVIES!!! Yes, it is finally that wonderful time of the year again, and with it I have a few announcements to make.

First off, yes I know I have been gone for a while now. As I've said multiple times, and as most of you already know, I am a college student at the moment so school/studying has to come first for me at times. I was able to pull off great grades this semester, but unfortunately couldn't post too much on here. I do plan on that to change, which brings me to my second point.

Second, this summer is going to be a little different for me this year. I might not get to see as many great movies this summer or post on the site too often. This is because I am doing two internships this summer (yes you read that correctly, TWO). I already finished up the one, and started the second one this past Saturday (6/1/13) and will be working at that one for the rest of the summer. With that being said, I do not plan on not seeing movies. I have not been able to make it to any midnight releases yet (I know it's been killing me), but I plan to go to my first one of the summer next Thursday for "Man of Steel". So far I have been able to see "Star Trek: Into Darkness" and "The Hangover Pt. III", so I should be reviewing those shortly. I have yet to see "Iron Man 3" (yes I know I'm super behind on that), but I do plan on seeing that within the next week or so along with "Epic" and "The Great Gatsby". Although I might not be able to see every movie this summer, I do at least want to try to make the big head liners and make reviews for the movies I know people would like to hear about.

Third, I might not get around to posting as many Trailer Talks and Movie News due to the fact that I am super busy this summer. If I ever have a second to make a quick post in either one, I'll be sure to do that because with great summer movies definitely comes great trailers!

One last thing I want to address....THANK YOU ALL MY WONDERFUL FANS FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!! If you haven't noticed the site has officially reached 1000 views! Thank you so much for that, I greatly appreciate it. The site would not exist without all of you!

That is all for now, and promise to get those reviews out ASAP!

Feel free to comment, post, and subscribe!
(Repost this too if you want to spread the word!)

Keep you guys posted and happy summer!


Feel free to comment, follow, and subscribe! 
(Repost this too if you want to spread the word!) 

Keep you guys posted! 


Friday, January 25, 2013

"The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" Trailer


Here is the trailer for "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey". Enjoy! 
"The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" is owned by Warner Bros. Studios 

Keep You Guys Posted! 
