Thursday, December 27, 2012

Foxy Update

Hello Everyone!

Just letting you know that since Christmas is finally over and most of all my family has left, I am going to start putting reviews up. So far I need to do reviews on "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Pt. 2" since I went to midnight release of that back in November, "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" since I was able to see that over break, and I should be seeing "Les Miserables" in the next couple off days. I also have a ton of other reviews to catch up on such as "The Hunger Games", "The Dark Knight Rises", etc. So keep an eye out for reviews, trailers, and news because, like I said, the site will be back up and running for a short period of time.

Again thank you all for the views, I greatly appreciate it!

Remember to comment, follow, and subscribe!

Keep you guys posted!


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

I'm Back!

Hello all my viewers!

I have finally returned! Well only for a bit for now. I know a lot of you have probably been wondering where I have been, and I said earlier (around August/September) I am a college student and that part of my life is very demanding at the moment. I tried providing you all with at least movie news, but even trying to do that took to much focus away from my school work. Well, here in America us college students are on winter break, and I have more than a month off. With that being said, I am going to have the site back up and running again for the rest of December and half of January; until I go back to school. There will be plenty of movie news, trailers, and even reviews coming your way since A LOT of anticipated movies will be released over Christmas. Thank you all for bearing with me not being around so much, and thank you for all the page views! It does mean a lot to me to know people are looking at the site. I do have a lot of family visiting for the Christmas holiday so I might not have a review out immediately since I will most likely be with them as much as I can, but I will try to post movie news as much as possible. I promise it will definitely pick up after the Christmas holiday.

Again thank you all for the views and being great fans!

Don't forget to comment, subscribe, and follow!

Keep you guys posted!


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Movie News--"The Dark Knight Rises" DVD/Blue-Ray Release Date!

And it's on my Birthday?! (Yes that really is my birthday!)

Whether you were pleased with how Christopher Nolan ended his "Dark Knight" franchise, there is finally a release date for the DVD/Blu-Ray. "The Dark Knight Rises" is suppose to be released on December 3, 2012. There will still be speculation over exactly what extra features will be included along with the theatrical cut of the film, but according to Warner Brothers, "The Dark Knight Rises" will be available on DVD/Blu-ray and for digital download on that date. 

Here is the trailer for "The Dark Knight Rises": 

                           "The Dark Knight Rises" is owned by Warner Brothers/DC Comics 
                                          DVD/Blu-Ray release date: December 3, 2012 

ScreenRant has more on the topic/all the details on extras and what not (Sorry! I don't have enough time to post about it.)

Click the link below to learn more:

Feel free to leave a comment, follow, and subscribe!

Keep you guys posted!


Movie News--First Comes "Avengers 2" Then Comes "Incredible Hulk 2"?

Ummm......wait what?

So as we all know Marvel Studios is already doing it's "marketing scheme" of having a bunch of movies lead up to one big one. As it started its first cinematic "marketing scheme" with "Iron Man", it will begin again with "Iron Man 3" in spring of next year. Following that will be "Thor: The Dark World" and "Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Lastly, we will se the much anticipated "Guardians of the Galaxy". All of these will lead up to the 2015 release of "The Avengers 2". In seeing all these movie releases though, there is one question on everyones mind. Where does the Incredible Hulk fit in all of this?

Although Bruce Banner/The Incredible Hulk are the first characters to get their own live-action television show from "The Avengers", it doesn't look like he will be getting his own solo movie again any time soon. Do not worry though! Mark Ruffalo, the "new" Bruce Banner who replaced Edward Norton in "The Avengers", has a six picture contract with Marvel Studios and we will see him over and over again bigger and better. But with Marvel already starting its Phase Two of cinematic history, why will we not be seeing "The Incredible Hulk 2"?

Well looking at everything, Marvel has another couple big years coming up with creating their new cinematic universe. Everything has a release date, that is except for the "Ant-Man" movie which is estimated to possibly be released in 2014 now (That will be three movie releases in one year!). According to ScreenRant, this is what the studio had to say "In chatting with Louis D’Esposito, Co-President of Marvel Studios, he made it it clear to me that the studio doesn’t want to put too much on their plate and stretch their resources thin. Translation: it’s possible that Ant-Man could be a second release alongside The Avengers 2 in 2015, the same year Marvel’s President of Consumer Products, Paul Glitter, previously said The Incredible Hulk 2 was planned for." 


In all reality it all comes down to one thing, especially for Hollywood execs, what is going to make the company/studios more money. When "The Incredible Hulk" was released, it was the lowest grossing film out of all the Marvel films. It made nearly the same amount of money at the box office as Ang Lee’s "Hulk" did years before. By looking at that, Marvel execs, and with good reason, believe it would be a better business plan to expand the Marvel universe/franchise in hopes that it might make newer characters a hot topic and "sell" better. This is the same reason why characters such as Black Widow and Hawkeye will never get their own films or any other spin-off type thing. 

So where will the Hulk appear...he has to before "The Avengers 2" right? As most of us remember Mark Ruffalo NAILED the part of Bruce Banner/The Hulk in "The Avengers". It ended with him and Tony Stark/Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) driving off as our heroes split in the ending of "The Avengers". So does that mean The Hulk will be showing up in "Iron Man 3"? The answer to that is no. Is it possible that Bruce Banner is just going to seek isolation from the world for a bit? Possibly. Could he show up in other Marvel films such as "Captain America: The Winter Soldier"? Maybe. As of right now, though, there is no word to where the Hulk might show up or if he even will at all in the movies. 

Iron Man 3 releases May 3, 2013, Thor: The Dark World releases on November 8, 2013, Captain America: The Winter Soldier on April 4, 2014, Guardians of the Galaxy on August 1, 2014 and The Avengers 2 on May 1, 2015. 

So what do you think, is it better to see the Marvel universe expand in the movies, or would you rather see Hulk smash?

ScreenRant has more on the topic (click the link below):

Feel free to leave a comment, follow, and subscribe!

Keep you guys posted!


(P.S. Sorry for being gone for so long! I've been extremely busy with school work. I will try to post as often as possible though. Thanks for all the views! I really do appreciate it.)

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Movie News--Gwen Stacy in "The Amazing Spider-Man" Sequel

Easy come, easy go I suppose...


This summer, "The Amazing Spider-Man" opened in July and was a huge hit bring in over 700 million dollars worldwide. The reboot definitely had a new, refreshed feel to it; but it also stuck to the Spider-Man mythos enough for fans to like it. Two things that definitely enhanced the movies "greatness" was our new lead James Garfield who played Spider-man/Peter Parker, and the introduction to the new character (new to the movies) Gwen Stacy played by Emma Stone. Both of them gave performances that pleased audiences, and the chemistry between the two also didn't disappoint. With "The Amazing Spider-Man 2" already in development, die hard Spidey fans have one big question: What is going to happen to Gwen Stacy?

For those of you that don't know (SPOILER ALERT AHEAD!!!), Gwen Stacy does die in the Spider-Man comic by the hands of Peter Parker. In 1970, Gwen met her tragic end (fate) in "The Amazing Spider-Man" story arc called "The Night Gwen Stacy Died" (pretty forward enough). Peter Park (Spider-Man) finds out that one of his archnemisis Doctor Norman Osborn (The Green Goblin) has captured his classmate-turned-girlfriend Gwen Stacy, and is holding her captive at the George Washington Bridge. As Spider-Man arrives to the scene, he watches the Green Goblin throw his frightened girlfriend off the top of the bridge. Acting on instinct, Spider-Man quickly wraps a web around Gwen's ankles trying to save her. He thinks he does, but unfortunately he finds out that due to lack of his proper bungee support, he has accidentally snapped his girlfriend's neck killing her. Enraged, Spider-Man hunts down the Green Goblin and intends on killing him. He find him and beats him almost to near death, but in the end can't bring himself to actually kill him. The Green Goblin then uses this time to turn the tables by attempting to impale Spider-Man with sharp skewers on his glider. Spider-Man is alerted by his Spidey Sense though, and dodges the glider which then impales The Goblin (sort of like in the first Spider-Man film directed by Sam Raimi). This then ends the reigning terror of The Green Goblin. 


It was believed that Gwen's death was made because it eventually led to the romantic relationship between Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson. Both were close friends of Gwen and found comfort in each other, which eventually led to being more than friends. In all reality though, Gwen was killed off because the writers simply did not know what else to do with her. As Peter and Gwen were graduating high school and were reaching adulthood, their very deep relationship was ending in one big thing...marriage. Marvel did not want Spider-Man to get married just yet because they felt like it would change the character and also would have made previously-planned plotlines difficult to initiate. Everyone thought a break-up would be too unrealistic, so Gwen's imminent fate was to die. 

So will Gwen meet her unfortunate fate in "The Amazing Spider-Man 2"? The answer seems to be yes. After Gwen was announced to play our leading lady in the reboot, most Spider-Man fans were waiting to see the funeral. There was one in the movie, but not for Gwen which left some die hard fans confused. So did this mean that her death was to be altered as well? The answer is no, it was just being delayed. Although some fans have been kicking and screaming about it, hopefully the sequel will stay true to its source material (Emma Stone has already admitted to wanting it that way). "The Amazing Spider-Man 2" is set to open May 2, 2014. 

So what do you think? Are you sad to maybe see Gwen go, or would you be happy if the sequel stuck to the comic? 

ScreenRant has more on the topic (click the link below): 

Feel free to leave a comment, follow, and subscribe! 

Keep you guys posted! 


Saturday, September 1, 2012

Movie News--Ben Affleck will NOT direct "Justice League"

Good news everyone! (Ya everyone probably knows about this already but I'm still posting it!)

DC's next big movie to come out, after "Man of Steel" of course, is suppose to be "Justice League". With that, a director is trying to be sought out for it and many rumors have come up surrounding the film. One of the directors that came up a few weeks ago was Ben Affleck. It turns out though that this was ONLY A RUMOR!

When movies have big titles and a huge fan base such as "Justice League", rumors are definitely going to come up. The one's regarding Affleck weren't true at all; in fact he never was planning on directing the film! Now the rumor mill is spinning even more now with the big question...who will be direct the movie now since Affleck is definitely out? There have been several names popping up in regards to it.
             Guillermo Del Toro

Christopher Nolan


Andy and Lana Wachowski

At the moment, there is very little known who will be picked to direct. DC is trying to find a director that they know will bring audience to the theater's, and hopefully match up or blow Marvel's "The Avengers" out of the water (although in my opinion that will be extremely hard to do). Some of the names that have been thrown around are Christopher Nolan, Guillermo Del Toro, and also Zack Snyder. Even though it would be amazing, in my opinion, for Christopher Nolan to direct this anticipated film, it's an extremely slim change it would happen. Nolan is trying to break himself from "Comic" movies and has already said he is uninterested. Out of all those names, Guillermo Del Toro, in my opinion is the best to go with, but I doubt he would unless there were enough monsters in the script. For Zack Snyder, we all have to wait and see how "Man of Steel" does to determine whether or not DC decides to continue to do work with him. Two other names that have also been thrown around are Andy and Lana (formally Larry) Wachowski, who are the directors to "The Matrix" trilogy.

Who would be the best to direct "Justice League"? The answer to that really cannot be answered. Whoever will be picked though will have their work cut out for them. Like "The Avengers", the director will have a lot of characters to work with and will have to try to give screen time to each one. And as ScreenRant has said: "Justice League will need to be much more strategic in its approach to world building if it wants to be successful." If DC really wants to "one-up" Marvel with "Justice League", then the first thing they have to do is get the right direct that will put the time, effort, and care into the production just as Joss Whedon did for "The Avengers". 

So what do you think? Should Affleck been picked to direct "Justice League", or are you as happy as me that bigger names that know what they are doing are being considered? 

ScreenRant has more on the topic (click the link below):

Feel free to leave a comment, follow, and subscribe! 

Keep you guys posted! 


Friday, August 24, 2012

Foxy Update! (Yes another one of these)

Hello Everyone!

I know it's been a long while since I've posted on here but I promise to change that soon (ya I know I keep saying that but I do mean it!). The reason why I haven't been on here recently is because I've been insanely busy the past few days. For those of you that don't know, I am a college student and I've recently started the 2012 fall semster. I had to finish moving into my new apartment, get all settled in, and I've started class already so I'm getting use to how my schedule will be.

With that being said, I will not be able to post as often as I did in the summer (ya I know I was gone for 2 months but like I said I'm not doing that again!). Please understand that I have a lot of homework, exams, and whatever else daily that need my attention, and school does come first for me. Although I will have a lot going on, I promise to post on here as often as I can. I still have tons of reviews to do, trailers to put out, and there's always news in Hollywood so I have to post that, too. The movie news will definitely be something posted a lot.

I just wanted to be fair to my fans and let you know where I have been instead of leaving you all in the dark. I always like to make my fans happy! Like I said I will try to post on here as often as possible, but I am extremely busy so please be patient with that.

Feel free to leave a comment, follow, and subscribe!

Keep you guys posted!


Friday, August 17, 2012

Foxy Update!

Hello Everyone!

I know I've been MIA lately but I've just been really busy. I will be back soon though as things get a little less hectic. I have TONS of movie news, trailers, and reviews to catch up on, and it will happen soon.

I know tonight is the midnight release of "The Hunger Games" DVD (and yes I am going to one) and I said I would do a review of the movie. I'm going to try and get that in by tomorrow so everyone who is indecisive on getting it I might sway you to a side.

Again, my apologies for being gone and thank you all for being so patient and still visiting my blog!

Hope you all have a great day and Happy Hunger Games!

Feel free to leave a comment, follow, and subscribe!

Keep you guys posted!


This is the back to my outfit...My"flames"

Here is my outfit that I'm going to be wearing to the midnight release.
I tried copying the outfit she wears when she represents her district at the Capitol.
I unfortunately couldn't find a black catsuit in time and cgi flames weren't for me
so this was the best I could do. 

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Movie News--"The Hunger Games" Sequel "Catching Fire" Casting Update!

I know I'm really behind on "Hunger Games" posts, especially for the sequel, but better late than never right?

In March, the long anticipated adaptation of the best-selling novel "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins hit theaters and it in no way disappointed. With that, Lions Gate studios decided to go ahead and make the trilogy all into movies. The sequel to "The Hunger Games" is called "Catching Fire", and the film will by directed by Francis Lawrence, who has been getting mixed reception. For those of you that don't know much about "Catching Fire", here is a synopsis of it:

Against all odds, Katniss Everdeen has won the annual Hunger Games. She and fellow District 12 tribute Peeta Mellark are miraculously still alive. Katniss should be relieved, happy even. After all, she has returned to her family and her longtime friend, Gale, yet nothing is the way Katniss wishes it to be. Gale holds her at an icy distance, Peeta has turned his back on her completely, and there are whispers of a rebellion against the Capitol — a rebellion that Katniss and Peeta may have helped create.

Much to her shock, Katniss has fueled an unrest she’s afraid she cannot stop; And what scares her more is that she’s not entirely convinced she should try. As time draws near for Katniss and Peeta to visit the districts on the Capitol’s cruel Victory Tour, the stakes are higher than ever. If they can’t prove, without a shadow of a doubt, that they are lost in their 

made up  love for each other, the consequences will be horrifying.  


Here is an official synopsis for the film: 

THE HUNGER GAMES: CATCHING FIRE begins as Katniss Everdeen (Jennifer Lawrence) has returned home safe after winning the 74th Annual Hunger Games along with fellow tribute Peeta Mellark (Josh Hutcherson). Winning means that they must turn around and leave their family and close friends, embarking on a “Victor’s Tour” of the districts. Along the way Katniss senses that a rebellion is simmering, but the Capitol is still very much in control as President Snow (Donald Sutherland) prepares the 75th Annual Hunger Games (The Quarter Quell) – a competition that could change Panem forever.

Now although many of the cast will be returning for the second film, there are going to be new members to join the cast as new characters are introduced in the sequel. Some of the newer people that have just been added to the cast are E. Roger Mitchell, Alan Ritchson, and Bruno Gunn. Mitchell is suppose to play Chaff who is a tribute from District 11 who won the 45th Annual Hunger Games, and will compete in the Quarter Quell (Here is an explanation for what the Quarter Quell is: Quarter Quell). Ritchson is said to be playing the role of Gloss who is a former Career tribute from District 1. Gunn will be playing Brutus who is a former Career victor from District 2.  

Left to Right: Mitchell, Ritchson and Gunn

Some of the other actors that have signed onto the newcomer character roles for "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire" are Jena Malone, Phillip Seymour Hoffman, and Amanda Plummer. Jena Malone is going to play Johanna Mason who is the last living female victor from District 7 who competed in an unidentified Hunger Games. She was reaped for the third Quarter Quell, and has been one of the youngest tributes to compete in it. Phillip Seymour Hoffman will be playing Gamemaker Plutarch Heavensbee who is the head Gamemaker in "Catching Fire" taking Seneca Cane's place. Amanda Plummer will be playing Wiress who is a female tribute from District 3 who won and unidentified Hunger Games. She participates again in the 75th Annual Hunger Games.

Phillip Seymour Hoffman 
Jena Malone

Amanda Plummer



To add to this list, Lynn Cohen has beat out Oscar-winner Melissa Leo to play the part of Finnick's elderly mentor Mags who is also another past Hunger Games winner. Another person to be rumored to join the cast is Sam Claflin, who will play Finnick Odair if he gets the part. Finnick was a male victor from District 4 for the 65th Annual Hunger Games. He also competes in the Quarter Quell. 

Lynn Cohen 
Sam Claflin


So what do you think? Will the odds be ever in the movies favor for these casting pick, or are some of these picks just not up to "Hunger Games" material? 

ScreenRant has more Hunger Game/Catching Fire news (click the link below): 

Feel free to leave a comment, follow, and subscribe! 

Keep you guys posted! 


"The Hunger Games: Catching Fire" is scheduled to be released November 22, 2013. 

Foxy Update!

Hello my viewers/fans!

I want to thank you all for giving me so many views! I really do appreciate it and it makes me feel good knowing people care what I have to say and are interested in my blog. I do want to make you guys aware of a couple things.

One thing is right now, for three days (I'll be back Wednesday), I will be on a short trip. I am limited to internet service so there will probably be not as many posts as I've been putting out. However, I will try my best at getting as many posts out as I can while I'm away since I know many of you enjoy my blog and look forward to reading it. Things will be back to normal after Wednesday as I already said.

Secondly, you guys probably noticed a few new things to the site that I made a few weeks ago. Everything is pretty self explanatory, except for the sites right under my blog name. Those are usually the sites I get my information from, plus a few others that I will be adding shortly, so if you want to check them out for yourself feel free. I will be putting a search box in soon so you can navigate around the blog a bit better. You can feel free to follow or subscribe to my blog (don't be afraid to be first!) especially if you enjoy it. I would love to get to know, or at least know, who reads my blog. Also don't be afraid to take the poll! It's all your personal opinion since everyone is entitled to their own opinion on my site.

Thirdly, and lastly, I would love to receive feedback from you guys. Don't be afraid to leave a comment after I post something below the entry. I want to know if there's anything I need to improve on or if there's something you all really like, but I don't know until you comment. You are also entitled to your own opinion here, as I said, so you can write if you agree or disagree with what I say (if you do disagree write in a mature way as to why so we can all enjoy your side without getting offended). Maybe you all are making comments but it's not going through, but if not, feel free to leave one whenever I make a post.

Those were the few things I wanted you all to be aware of what is happening. So I'll be back after Wednesday but I'll try to make as many posts as possible so be patient with that. Also don't be afraid to follow, subscribe or comment on any post you see. Once I do get enough views (maybe like around 1,000), if I feel it's enough, I will make a twitter or "like page" on Facebook so we can all have open discussion. Again I won't do this until I know I have enough viewers and you guys comment! Also, you can feel free to share a particular entry you might like on your own Facebook or Twitter to get the FilmFox word out.

Hope you all have a great day!

Keep you guys posted!


Trailer Talk--"Man of Steel" (Teaser Trailers)

Maybe this one will the good Superman movie (minus the first ever one).

                                       "Man of Steel" is owned by Warner Brothers Studios
                                                Release Date: June 14, 2013


                                        "Man of Steel" is owned by Warner Brothers Studios
                                                Release Date: June 14, 2013

"Man of Steel" stars Henry Cavill (who will be our Clark Kent/Superman), Amy Adams (Lois Lane), Michael Shannon (General Zod), Kevin Costner (Jonathan Kent), Laurence Fishburne (Perry White), Diane Lane (Martha Kent), Russell Crowe (Jor-El), Antje Traue (Faora), and Ayelet Zurer (Lara Lor-Van). It is based on a story co-coceived by Christopher Nolan (The Dark Knight Trilogy) and Davis S. Goyer (who also co-penned the script), and is directed by Zack Snyder (300, Sucker Punch). "Man of Steel" will be a reboot to the Superman franchise, giving the film a more serious feel. Here is ScreenRant's synopsis of the film: 

Man of Steel stars Henry Cavill (Immortals) as Clark Kent, a young journalist who was born Kal-El: a survivor of the fallen alien planet Krypton, transported to Earth by his parents Jor-El (Russell Crowe) and Lara Lor-Van (Ayelet Zurer). Small-town farmers Jonathan (Kevin Costner) and Martha Kent (Diane Lane) raise Kal-El as their son, imbuing him with a strong sense of integrity and compassion so that he learn to use his extraordinary powers responsibly – even in a troubled world that views him as a threat, rather than a potential savior.  

I, personally cannot wait for this movie to come out (Superman is my favorite superhero) and I was sad to hear when it got postponed to next summer from this summer. It was probably for the best though since Christopher Nolan wrapped up his "Dark Knight" (Batman) trilogy this summer. As I said, I really hope this is finally the good movie that the Superman franchise finally gets. "Man of Steel" is aiming for a more serious tone for the film, and maybe by doing this the movie will have less absurd scenes like in previous Superman films. Then again having Zack Snyder as a director may not be exactly a good thing. I just hope he doesn't make all the action scenes look all "video game" looking like in his movie "Sucker Punch". From looking at the trailer though (with the little we got), Snyder seems to be stepping away from that (thankfully) and using his CGI skills in a more proactive way. This is probably from Christopher Nolan's input since the more muted colored and realistic textured colors are more his thing.

As you can probably tell this Superman film will be absolutely nothing like the others because it is a report. This does mean some changes will be made and so far they have been for a good. One thing is Superman's suit has been revamped to look more like armor instead of just a silly halloween costume. Another, which I have already given my opinion on, is the serious take on the Superman universe/mythos due to the modern day "contemporary age" of superhero movies. This film also is supposedly influenced by DC's new comic book reboot release call "New 52". 


There is not much difference between the two trailers except for one thing (and in a way it is kind of major). The same imagery is throughout both trailers is the same, but the narration behind it is different for both. The first one (top) has Jonathan Kent (Clark's adoptive father played by Kevin Costner) narrating and the second one (bottom) has Jor-El (Clark's biological father played by Russell Crowe) narrating. Both men give their opinions on what shapes a man and how we all shape our destiny. For those of you that don't know, this is kind of the philosophy behind...well...just about everything Superman (especially the destiny part). These trailers, no doubt, have Christopher Nolan's influence written all over them (which in my opinion is a very very good thing). 

For how the film should go...ScreenRant has said it best: "Overall, the mix of old and new Superman mythology should go over well with certain fans, while others will be left grumbling about how their favorite superhero has been “Nolan-ized.” It will be arguably be more interesting to see how Man of Steel is received by the moviegoing masses as a whole. If the film is a success, it could set a precedent for the DC Movie Universe; if it flops, that could inspire Warner Bros./DC to drastically change their (as yet, unannounced) game plan". 

So what do you think? Will this film  full-fill it's destiny and finally be the great Superman movie us fans always wanted, or will it fail due to it's new tone?

ScreenRant has more on the topic (click the link below): 

Feel free to leave a comment, follow, and subscribe! 

Keep you guys posted! 


Saturday, August 11, 2012

Trailer Talk--"Life of Pi"

What would you do if it was just you and a tiger (also why was this not made sooner?!)?

                                         "Life of Pi" is owned by 20th Century Fox
                                      Release Date: November 21, 2012 (supposedly  definitely)

Based on the best-selling and award-winning novel (that has the same name as the film) by author Yann Martel, director Ang Lee brings us "Life of Pi". The film follows young (sort of) Piscine "Pi" Patel, played by Suraj Sharma, as he enters into adulthood. After they try to move their zoo over seas, Pi finds himself separated from his family as their ship begins to sink. This leaves Pi standard in the ocean, but he does come across a few surviving animals and he uses them for company. One of these animals (that he sort of eventually befriends) is a bengal tiger that he names Richard Parker.

Here is an official synopsis from IMDb:

The story of an Indian boy named Pi, a zookeeper's son who finds himself in the company of a hyena, zebra, orangutan, and a Bengal tiger after a shipwreck sets them adrift in the Pacific Ocean. 


After watching this trailer, director Ang Lee (in my opinion) has definitely created what looks to be a masterpiece. The cinematography is done by Oscar-nominee Claudio Miranda (Tron: Legacy), and he has truly made the movie look stunning. From watching the whale breach out of the water to the island Pi eventually gets stranded on, everything just looks breathtaking (yes I know I'm not a fan of CGI, but this seems to be the very few cases where it is done and used correctly). After only seeing this from a trailer, I can only imagine what it will fully look like when the film come all together. 

Also, the trailer seemed to translate that the film will cover the main theme of the book. Yann Martel's novel explores issues of spirituality and faith as Pi tries to survive (we mainly see it through his mindset throughout the story). The book surrounds religions such as Christian, Hindu, and Muslim. Screenwriter David Magee (Finding Neverland), from the trailer, seems to translate the books theme, and will probably be explained better throughout the film. 

Although the cast is small, it all seems to be a good pick. This will be Suraj Sharma's first film, and he is definitely starting his career with what most Hollywood actors can't do. Being pretty much the only human on screen for the whole movie (well most of it), Sharma will have to carry the film by himself (which is no easy task) and  probably display multiple emotions all at one time. If he pulls it off, I think Hollywood has definitely found a new young rising star. 

Overall I think this movie looks great. I read the book a long time ago and I'm happy to see it make its way to the big screen. It has a great director, cinematographer, screenwriter, and a pretty good cast behind it, so I don't think this movie will be a disappointment. Like I said it looks visually stunning (which will definitely get audiences) and an interesting story behind it as we see a young protagonist try to fight for his survival. 

So what do you think? Will this movie will attract audiences, or does it rely to heavy on visuals and will just sink in the end? 

ScreenRant has more on the topic (click the link below):

Feel free to leave a comment, follow, and subscribe! 

Keep you guys posted! 
