Friday, August 24, 2012

Foxy Update! (Yes another one of these)

Hello Everyone!

I know it's been a long while since I've posted on here but I promise to change that soon (ya I know I keep saying that but I do mean it!). The reason why I haven't been on here recently is because I've been insanely busy the past few days. For those of you that don't know, I am a college student and I've recently started the 2012 fall semster. I had to finish moving into my new apartment, get all settled in, and I've started class already so I'm getting use to how my schedule will be.

With that being said, I will not be able to post as often as I did in the summer (ya I know I was gone for 2 months but like I said I'm not doing that again!). Please understand that I have a lot of homework, exams, and whatever else daily that need my attention, and school does come first for me. Although I will have a lot going on, I promise to post on here as often as I can. I still have tons of reviews to do, trailers to put out, and there's always news in Hollywood so I have to post that, too. The movie news will definitely be something posted a lot.

I just wanted to be fair to my fans and let you know where I have been instead of leaving you all in the dark. I always like to make my fans happy! Like I said I will try to post on here as often as possible, but I am extremely busy so please be patient with that.

Feel free to leave a comment, follow, and subscribe!

Keep you guys posted!


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