Sunday, August 12, 2012

Foxy Update!

Hello my viewers/fans!

I want to thank you all for giving me so many views! I really do appreciate it and it makes me feel good knowing people care what I have to say and are interested in my blog. I do want to make you guys aware of a couple things.

One thing is right now, for three days (I'll be back Wednesday), I will be on a short trip. I am limited to internet service so there will probably be not as many posts as I've been putting out. However, I will try my best at getting as many posts out as I can while I'm away since I know many of you enjoy my blog and look forward to reading it. Things will be back to normal after Wednesday as I already said.

Secondly, you guys probably noticed a few new things to the site that I made a few weeks ago. Everything is pretty self explanatory, except for the sites right under my blog name. Those are usually the sites I get my information from, plus a few others that I will be adding shortly, so if you want to check them out for yourself feel free. I will be putting a search box in soon so you can navigate around the blog a bit better. You can feel free to follow or subscribe to my blog (don't be afraid to be first!) especially if you enjoy it. I would love to get to know, or at least know, who reads my blog. Also don't be afraid to take the poll! It's all your personal opinion since everyone is entitled to their own opinion on my site.

Thirdly, and lastly, I would love to receive feedback from you guys. Don't be afraid to leave a comment after I post something below the entry. I want to know if there's anything I need to improve on or if there's something you all really like, but I don't know until you comment. You are also entitled to your own opinion here, as I said, so you can write if you agree or disagree with what I say (if you do disagree write in a mature way as to why so we can all enjoy your side without getting offended). Maybe you all are making comments but it's not going through, but if not, feel free to leave one whenever I make a post.

Those were the few things I wanted you all to be aware of what is happening. So I'll be back after Wednesday but I'll try to make as many posts as possible so be patient with that. Also don't be afraid to follow, subscribe or comment on any post you see. Once I do get enough views (maybe like around 1,000), if I feel it's enough, I will make a twitter or "like page" on Facebook so we can all have open discussion. Again I won't do this until I know I have enough viewers and you guys comment! Also, you can feel free to share a particular entry you might like on your own Facebook or Twitter to get the FilmFox word out.

Hope you all have a great day!

Keep you guys posted!


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